Sunday, October 18, 2009

Peine forte et dure

I feel like my parents are on the "perfect" mask for my cousin (takin it WeSt SiDe to find a job). They rag on me all the time for not doing the simplest things and my dad blew up in front of Sue and Jenna. I didn't do the laundry, I didn't take care of my dog's poo, I didn't tell my parents how late I was going to be out for, I missed the PSAT(truly my bad), I swore at my dad BAH!

Its like in the Salem Witch trials when if you were charged with but denied being a witch, they forced a confession out by peine forte et dure, rock upon rock being placed on the chest until they sold out or died. I'm dying here, man. Get me into college!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

KR vs. KM, a venn diagram

KR: narrow-minded, intimidating (or excellent depending on which side of popularity you're on), set on calling KM ghetto, Puritan? (bump+grind = no dances4therestoftheyear), green+gold.

KM: chill. I think of Jill. Holla royals.