Sunday, May 10, 2009

Jimmy's In My Shirt

There were baby chickens in my backyard until my dad transferred them back into out farm. And then they all gat eaten by possums and rats and foxes and eagles. Except one. It was in our backyard cage this morning because the farm is totally not safe for little babies like him. I want to name him Jimmy. Until he starts laying eggs and I find out he's a girl. He has a lot of dandruff! He likes to preen a lot and snuggle with me. He's all alone in his cage..

This Daily Gorgeous reflects Jimmy's feelings right now because all his 12 brothers and sisters and in forest animals' tummies.


Susane said...

I'll live in there with him.

Miss Dragon Lady said...

Haha youre sweet. I can't figure out how to post comments on anybody else's blog other than my own, but your mother's day one was super cool.